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Group 8: Working in the port of Rotterdam

The port of Rotterdam employs nearly 200,000 people in dozens of diverse sectors and hundreds of different occupations. From customs officer to diver, whether you want to work with your head or your hands, there are endless opportunities for a successful career in the port.

So just before the transition to secondary (vocational) education, Port Rangers offers pupils the chance to learn not only about the port but also about the different professions in the port.

Port Rangers teaching programme 

One preparatory lesson at school beforehand will ensure that your students can participate in the field trip to Portlantis with sufficient knowledge. 

Visiting Portlantis 

  • Arrival and reception in the cinema/Blue Room (15 min.)
  • Scavenger hunt in groups with questions and assignments on the exhibition (60 min.)
  • Workshop (40 min.)
  • Break with own food and drinks (20 min.)
  • Joint conclusion / preparing for departure (20 min.)

Upon returning to school after the field trip, there is a choice of assignments.