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Road & Water Tour

Road & Water Tour

The Portlantis Road & Water Tour takes you on a two-hour journey of discovery through Maasvlakte 2 by both land and water. 

Start your journey of discovery through Maasvlakte 2 – Europe’s most state-of-the-art port area – at Portlantis by coach.

During the tour, a guide tells you all about what you’ll see along the way. After the first part of the tour, the bus takes you to the boat-trip boarding location. From there, you sail past the largest and most impressive container terminals and container ships. After the cruise, continue your tour of Maasvlakte 2 again by coach, which then drops you off back at Portlantis. 

Driving with the Express

Costs and booking

Your visit to the port is not complete without the Road & Water Tour. Which is why you’ll receive a discount if you book this tour together with admission to Portlantis. The discount will be automatically deducted at checkout.  

Suitable for: everyone from 0–100
Duration: approx. 2 hours 
Price of Road & Water Tour: adults € 21.68, youth from 13 to 17 years € 21.68 and children from 3 to 12 years € 17.00. Children up to 2 years old are free. Don’t forget to also book a ticket for children up to 2 years old even though they come along for free.

Practical info 

This tour is not suitable for people using a wheelchair. Restrooms are available aboard the boat trip. 

It’s smart to book in advance as only a limited number of seats are available. You’ll find further information about booking and cancelling tickets under Frequently Asked Questions. 

Tickets Portlantis

Price: adults € 12,00; children up to 2 years free; children from 3 to 12 years € 6,00; youths from 13 to 17 years € 9,00