Rooftop walk
Rooftop walk
Up to the roof. Time for the rooftop walk. Two deep red stairs take you along the outside of the building to the panoramic deck.
Here you’ll enjoy fabulous views of the sea, beach and dunes, as well as the port. Information on the balustrade tells you all about what you are seeing around you. And just try putting your ear to the ‘sound catchers’, which capture the sound of activities further afield.
On your route to the rooftop, you get to see nine sneak peaks of the expo. We’ll take you on a journey past cargo, seagoing vessels, containers, the secrets of the industry and the construction of Maasvlakte 2, and so much more. Topics about which you get much more detailed explanations inside Portlantis itself. You simply won’t be able to take it all in!
And down again
Back on the ground, your journey of discovery continues. A tour of the grounds around Portlantis is educational and fun. You get all kinds of information about the objects you encounter on the site. From its own wind turbine and heat pump plus water reservoir for the power supply, to display cases of fossil finds hidden in the dunes. And what about that concrete block from the seawall? Small it is not, considering that this block weighs about as much as 15 passenger cars.
The panoramic deck, stairs, mini-exhibits and outdoor space are free to visit during opening hours.