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Primary education

Primary education

Port Rangers is a continuous learning pathway about the port for higher grades in primary education

Port Rangers allows them to gain greater knowledge about the port in a step-by-step way and learn about the port and its vast array of opportunities.  

How does it work?

Each educational programme consists of three parts. Pupils attend a preparatory lesson, take a field trip to Portlantis and do in-class assignments. In Portlantis, the children, accompanied by a guide, visit (part of) the exhibition, complete assignments and are offered participation in a workshop. 

Practical information

  • Excluding travel time, the field trip to Portlantis takes about 2.5 hours.
  • The cost is € 15,- per pupil, which includes workshop participation. A minimum of one guide per group should be booked at a cost of € 43,-.
  • The maximum group size is 32 pupils.
  • Minimum of 3 supervisors per group, with larger groups more supervision is desirable.
  • Supervisors will have free access.
  • Pupils bring their own food and drink for break time.

Teaching programmes

Jongen kijkt bij de display van de terminals in Portlantis
Group 6: the port of Rotterdam
Jongen speelt met chemieset in Portlantis
Group 7: Renewable energy in the port of Rotterdam
Jongen speelt met bouwtafel in Portlantis
Group 8: Working in the port of Rotterdam

Primary schools from the regions of Rijnmond, Voorne aan Zee, Nissewaard, Vlaardingen and Capelle aan den IJssel can participate in the field trip free of charge thanks to a subsidy.