Primary education
Primary education
Port Rangers is a continuous learning pathway about the port for higher grades in primary education
Port Rangers allows them to gain greater knowledge about the port in a step-by-step way and learn about the port and its vast array of opportunities.
How does it work?
Each educational programme consists of three parts. Pupils attend a preparatory lesson, take a field trip to Portlantis and do in-class assignments. In Portlantis, the children, accompanied by a guide, visit (part of) the exhibition, complete assignments and are offered participation in a workshop.
Practical information
- Excluding travel time, the field trip to Portlantis takes about 2.5 hours.
- The cost is € 15,- per pupil, which includes workshop participation. A minimum of one guide per group should be booked at a cost of € 43,-.
- The maximum group size is 32 pupils.
- Minimum of 3 supervisors per group, with larger groups more supervision is desirable.
- Supervisors will have free access.
- Pupils bring their own food and drink for break time.