Search results (355)
Conference Rooms
Looking for a unique venue for your business meeting? Then host your event in one of Portlantis’ four comfortable and well-equipped conferen
Legislation and regulations
Shipping regulations apply in the port of Rotterdam. These regulations contribute to the safety in of the port of Rotterdam.
In the locality
After an impressive day at Portlantis, in the mood for even more port? Then we have some great tips for you.
They get to explore Europe’s most modern port and discover the opportunities it offers for their personal futures.
energy transition
DevCap wins tender for the Sun on De Slufter floating solar farm
DevCap, as the lead party of consortium Sun Float Power, was chosen in a tender process as the operator of a floating solar farm at De Sluft
Facts and Figures
Facts and figures from the Port of Rotterdam Authority and the port of Rotterdam.
The Port of Rotterdam Authority holds an equity interest in a number of companies and foundations, both nationally and internationally. With
Corporate Social Responsibility
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) statement shows what we stand for. We take responsibility for our social impact. In doing so, we f