DevCap wins tender for the Sun on De Slufter floating solar farm
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DevCap, as the lead party of consortium Sun Float Power, was chosen in a tender process as the operator of a floating solar farm at De Slufter on Rotterdam's Maasvlakte. With the completion of this 96MWp solar farm, approximately 87,000MWh can be generated annually, equivalent to the energy consumption of 30,000 households. Thanks to direct connections with clients in the area, this energy does not place additional strain on the electricity grid. The tender is part of the Generation of Energy on State Real Estate (OER) programme commissioned by the Ministry of Climate and Green Growth.

Rijkswaterstaat (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management), Rijksvastgoedbedrijf (Central Government Real Estate Agency) and the Port of Rotterdam Authority, in collaboration with De Slufter dredging depot, are making 80 hectares of water surface available for the development of a floating solar park. Contaminated dredging spoil is stored in De Slufter depot. By also generating solar energy at this location, the limited space is used twice as efficiently.
Sun Float Power
Sun Float Power BV i.o. combines the companies DevCap Infra BV, Solinoor BV and Enerparc AG, each with extensive experience in floating solar parks. The decisive factor in the choice of Sun Float Power was their action plan for collaboration with the Slufter Management Organisation (BoS), which manages and maintains the dredging spoil depot. The dredging depot must remain operational during both the construction and operational phases of the floating solar park. The emphasis on ecology, safety and the environment in the tender, titled ‘Good Neighbourliness’, also played a role in the selection. Sun Float Power is responsible for selling the sustainably generated energy and has agreements with potential customers in the area. The solar farm is expected to be commissioned in 2027.
Generating energy on government-owned land
The basis of this tender is the Generation of Energy on Government Real Estate (OER) programme, which facilitates the large-scale development of solar or wind farms by developers on government-owned land. The aim of the OER programme is to use government land to contribute to the Regional Energy Strategies' (RESs) task of generating 35 TWh of renewable energy on land by 2030.