The Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V. (below: Port Authority) is responsible for the information provided on PortofRotterdam.com. The Port of Rotterdam Authority makes every effort to make and maintain the contents of PortofRotterdam.com as up-to-date, accessible, error-free and complete as possible.
However, the Port Authority cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness. Through this website, the Port Authority provides information about the products and services offered by the Rotterdam port and industrial complex and the Port Authority. Modifications and corrections may be made without prior notice. The Port Authority does not accept any liability for the (continuous) operation of this website.
Accuracy and completeness
The Port Authority, its executive or managing directors do not accept any liability for the accuracy and completeness of the data and particulars presented on the website and further, they shall never be liable for loss, damage, costs or expenses (particularly loss of profit, loss of use, direct, indirect, additional or consequential loss) resulting from errors, omissions or other shortcomings in the information obtained through PortofRotterdam.com.
External links
On various locations on PortofRotterdam.com we offer links to other Internet sites that relate to a specific aspect of this site. References to web sites that are not maintained by the Port Authority are provided only for information purposes and for the benefit of the visitor. The Port Authority is very judicious regarding the sites to which reference is made. However, it cannot guarantee the contents and operation of these sites, or the quality of products and/or services, if any, offered on such sites. Any liability with respect to sites that are not maintained by the Port Authority is hereby rejected. References on the site to products or services do not imply any offer for the sale or supply of such product or service.
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