Purpose, mission, vision and strategy
World-class European port
The Port of Rotterdam Authority is an autonomous company with two shareholders, the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Dutch state, established to develop the port of Rotterdam.
Connecting the world. Building tomorrow's sustainable port.
At the port of Rotterdam, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are at the heart of what we do. We firmly believe it is our responsibility to contribute to a healthier living and working environment for all. We are committed to creating a climate-neutral port, where safety has been, and always will be, our top priority. The only way forward is a sustainable one. We enable smart and sustainable logistics. We advance renewable energy. We facilitate circular industry. Thanks to cooperation with our partners, we can achieve a fair and balanced future.
We create economic and social value by achieving sustainable growth in the world-class port in collaboration with clients and stakeholders.
We are the developer of a leading, safe, efficient and sustainable port where our clients can do business successfully.
We will be focusing on three key areas in the years to come:
- Smart partner in logistics chains
- Accelerator of sustainability in the port
- Enterprising and impactful organisation
Generating an impact that goes beyond increasing volume is central to our key areas. Relevance and quality are also important. Our activities allow our clients to do business successfully. Targeting these areas will be possible only if our fundamentals are in order and, moreover, world-class.
Smart partner in logistics chains
As a ‘smart partner in logistics chains’, we recognise the importance of non-physical factors in the competitive position and we choose to play a role in making information available. By doing so, we aim to ensure that our logistics clients continue to choose Rotterdam.
Our commitment as a smart partner in logistics chains is designed to lead to an increase in the overall margin and the margin per container, as well as in the cargo volume and our market share, and ensure that we achieve a carbon reduction in logistics chains.
Accelerator of sustainability in the port
As an ‘accelerator of sustainability in the port’, we generate value by taking on new roles as a project developer and investor.
Our commitment to accelerating sustainability in the port is designed to lead to a carbon reduction of -55% by 2030 with respect to the 1990 level. We will then be on the road to carbon neutrality in 2050, we will be able to attract future-proof cargo flows and activities, and we will be in a position to invest profitably in sustainability.
Enterprising and impactful organisation
The increasing complexity of our activities – in a playing field with more and more parties and taking the desired pace of throughput into account – requires an enterprising and effective organisation. That is why we have such stringent demands in terms of effectiveness and client focus. An interdisciplinary approach, good internal and external collaboration, and a clear focus help to make this happen.
Our commitment to being an enterprising and decisive organisation is designed to lead to further improvements in the quality and flexibility of the organisation, as well as the control of operational costs and capital expenditure, and further increase the customer orientation and effectiveness of the organisation.