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Port performance

3 July 2024
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Global disruptions are creating challenges in the logistics chain, also to and from the port of Rotterdam. Insight into the logistics process show which changes contribute to a more efficient chain.

Waiting times

The data about vessel waiting times is already available. This is therefore the first step towards providing insight into the port performance. In the long term, extra indicators will be added.

Besides insight into the performance of the port of Rotterdam, insight will also be provided into the performance of three neighbouring ports in north-western Europe. These ports are in the same sailing schedules and this impacts on the performance. 

This data:

  • gives insight into the waiting time (time spent by a vessel in an anchorage area) of container ships in an anchorage area by Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg and Bremerhaven
  • shows waiting time data (based on AIS) at a specific date and time. The data is updated weekly;
  • is based on the independent data source eeSea
Challenges global logistics chain


As a result of the continued strong demand, together with the various disruptions (Suez, Covid outbreaks in Chinese ports, geopolitical developments), pressure on the logistics chain remains high. As neutral party, together with market parties, the Port of Rotterdam Authority is focusing on optimising the entire chain for all parties.

Barge Performance Monitor

Rotterdam is working with its partners on reliable and efficient connections between the port and destinations in the hinterland. For inland container shipping sailing to or from the port of Rotterdam, we have developed the Barge Performance Monitor.


The Port of Rotterdam Authority wants to provide insight into the efficiency of container handling in the port by drafting, measuring and publishing performance indicators. To provide such insight, data sharing between all chain parties is essential.


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