Corporate Social Responsibility
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) statement shows what we stand for. We take responsibility for our social impact. In doing so, we focus on themes where we can make a difference.
We wish to be an example and inspire others. And therefore invite stakeholders in and around the port to work together on the challenges we face with developments in the port.
CSR statement
As the Port of Rotterdam Authority, we create economic and social value by working together with customers and stakeholders to achieve sustainable growth. In doing so, we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. We are a reliable partner and act with honesty, integrity and transparency. We abide by the law and are guided by our moral compass. The principles and rules of conduct in our company code form the basis for this.

Safe, liveable port and surroundingst
Safety is the top priority at the port. World-class safety inspires confidence and is an important location requirement for businesses. For example, nautical safety, social safety, water safety, occupational safety and cybersecurity. We also play a leading role in making the living environment liveable and more attractive. This mainly concerns air quality, noise, and an attractive living environment, and we are committed to the preservation of nature and biodiversity.

Climate & Energy
We are committed to combating climate change. This calls for an energy transition in the port in which we renew the existing and actively welcome the new. Greater energy efficiency, renewal of the energy system through the use of green electricity and hydrogen, the reuse of raw materials and the production of biofuels are also important here. The port is the place where the energy transition in the Netherlands is taking shape. Our focus is on the port and our own company, and where possible we also play a role in making chains more sustainable.
Our approach is to reduce emissions from existing industry by, for example, carbon capture and storage and the construction of heat networks for the use of residual heat. On the other hand, the Port Authority is making efforts to attract new, innovative developments, such as the production of green hydrogen, biofuels and recycling activities. Vital to all these developments is the construction of new infrastructure such as heat pipelines, hydrogen pipelines and CO2 pipelines. In addition to all this, the Port Authority is active in making maritime shipping more sustainable, for example with shore-based power projects and facilitating the bunkering of clean fuels.

People & Work
Socially responsible employment is important to us. The use of automation, robotisation and other technological developments are important for the Port of Rotterdam, but it is people who determine whether a port is truly successful. A vital port is an inclusive port that provides direct and indirect employment at all levels and for current and future generations. We pay constant attention to the development and vitality of people so that they are permanently employable for the jobs of the future. And we are committed to a good business climate and economic development in the port area in order to create sustainable employment for the future.
Sustainable Development Goals
The Port of Rotterdam Authority is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These global goals of the United Nations for sustainable development are central to the Port Vision Rotterdam. The vision shows how the port contributes to realising the SDGs and how the port creates economic and social value now and in the future. The figure below shows with which SDGs the connection is strongest.