Inland shipping forms and checklists
When visiting the port of Rotterdam, inland vessels have to fill in nautical forms under certain circumstances. For example, do you have special cargo or do you want to carry out repairs to your inland vessel in the port of Rotterdam? Below you will find an overview of the forms.
Completed forms should be e-mailed to Harbour Coordination Centre. In addition, on this page you will find safety checklists, for example for the transhipment of hazardous substances and for LNG.
Hazardous / non-hazardous disposal
The inland shipping checklists have been included in the ISGINTT (International Safety Guide for Inland Navigation Tank-barges and Terminals) and serve as a best practice.
Inland port dues
You are obliged to provide an electronic report of your port call
The inner port area comprises:
Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Zwijndrecht, Papendrecht, Vlaardingen, Schiedam and the jetties and quays of the Vopak Terminal Vlaardingen
You can only make a report of your call in the port area via our web portal.
If you are not yet using the web portal, please register via PortBase
You should submit the report of your call in the port area within 18 days of your arrival.
If you use the Port of Rotterdam and (one of) the above ports in the same period, for example, you only need to submit one report.
You receive a 2% administrative discount on your invoice if you submit your declaration via the web portal in combination with direct debit.
Seagoing inland tanker
The inland shipping checklists have been included in the ISGINTT (International Safety Guide for Inland Navigation Tank-barges and Terminals) and serve as a best practice.
If you have a request, a question or wish to report something, please contact the Harbour Coordination Centre.
The Harbour Coordination Centre has 3 VHF channels:
- VHF 11 for traffic issues, call sign Harbour Coordination Centre
- VHF 14 for operational issues, call sign Harbour Coordination Centre
- VHF 19 for shipping announcements - alternative channel, call sign Harbour Coordination Centre
You will then be presented with the following selection menu:
1. For booking in a ship and for tide arrangements, press 1
2. For other messages and for questions, press 2
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