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Inland port dues

How can we help you?

Will you and your inland vessel be making use of the facilities and services of the inland port area in the Rotterdam region? Then you will need to pay inland port dues. You are obliged to provide an electronic report of your port call via our web portal.

The inner port area comprises: Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Zwijndrecht, Papendrecht, Vlaardingen, Schiedam and the jetties and quays of the Vopak Terminal Vlaardingen.

  • If you are not yet using the web portal, please register via Portbase.
  • If you have any questions about the portal, please consult our manual.
Barge on the New Maas, Kop van Zuid WPC

Port tariffs

The tariffs for inland port dues in Rotterdam are stated in the general terms and conditions including port tariffs.

The rate categories for cargo vessels, passenger vessels, other motorized vessels, other non-motorized vessels are:

PeriodCargo vessels (b)Passenger vessesl (a)Other motorised vessels * (a)Other non-motorised vessels ** (a)Push barges (b)
7 days0,1080,1080,1080,1080,108
14 days0,1990,1990,1990,1990,199
1 month0.0000.0000,2980,2980.000
1 calender quarter1,1111,1110,7430,7431,111
1 calender year3,8153,8152,6392,6393,815

(a) Rate per m2 of surface area (b) Rate per ton of loading capacity. All rates exclude VAT.
* Other motorised vessels: includes tugs, push boats, work and repair vessels, dredgers or other motorised vessels.
** Other non-motorised vessels: includes floating cranes, pontoons and other floating structures/ vessels without a motor.

You receive a 2% administrative discount on your invoice if you submit your declaration via the web portal in combination with direct debit.

Green Award

Vessels (Cargo Vessels, Passenger Vessels and other motorized vessels) possessing a Green Award certificate are eligible for a discount on the inland port dues payable, according to the following table:

Green Award CertificateDiscount (in %)

More information

Submit report

You should submit the report of your call in the port area within 18 days of your arrival.

The inner port area comprises:
Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Zwijndrecht, Papendrecht, Vlaardingen, Schiedam and the jetties and quays of the Vopak Terminal Vlaardingen

If you use the port of Rotterdam and (one of) the above ports in the same period, for example, you only need to submit one report.If you choose to submit your Inland Port Dues via the Webopgave, in combination with a one-off authorisation or direct debit, you will receive an administrative discount of 2%. Click here to open the form that can be used to authorise the Port of Rotterdam Authority to draw funds from your bank account via direct debit.

Can I make changes or cancel a statement after submitting it?

Yes, this is possible via the web portal. Select change subscription or cancel subscription after the relevant statement.

Possible inland port tariffs exemption for parties commissioning repairs

if you are using port facilities in one of the aforementioned municipalities in connection with repair work on your vessel at a local wharf, you may be exempt from the associated inland port tariffs.

This exemption is subject to the following conditions:

* The repairs are necessary to ensure that the vessel remains operational;
* The repairs are not allowed to take longer than strictly required;
* The owner/master of the vessel needs to submit a written application for exemption from the inland port tariffs, accompanied by a statement on repairs issued by the responsible wharf, to the Port of Rotterdam Authority within 24 hours upon arriving at the wharf.

You can apply for this exemption by sending a completed copy of the application form
‘Application for an Exemption - Part I’ to havengelden.

Notifying the Port Authority of the end of repairs

After your repairs have been rounded off, you are once again required to inform the Port of Rotterdam Authority within 24 hours by forwarding a statement on repairs issued by the wharf. Please use the form ‘Statement on Repairs - Part II’ for this purpose.
The fully completed form - bearing the company stamp of the ship repair facility - needs to be send to havengelden.

Invoicing of inland port dues

Following the port dues statement you will receive an invoice which must be paid within 30 days. If you do not agree with the invoice you have received, you may object in writing within 30 days of the invoice date. If checks show that you have not reported your visit to the port, or did not report it correctly, inland port dues will be recalculated in accordance with the highest tariff payable. You will also liable for a 100% surcharge over this amount (minimum €25.00).

Changes ship or company data

Do you have a new ship or sold your ship? Are you moved or have your company data changed? Please send a message to havengelden.

Frequently asked questions

Which ports are included in the Rotterdam port area?

The Rotterdam port area includes the ports of the municipalities of Rotterdam, Vlaardingen, Schiedam, Dordrecht, Zwijndrecht and Papendrecht, as well as the jetties of Vopak Terminal Vlaardingen.

When do I need to submit my statement for inland port dues?

Commercial inland vessels are statutorily required to submit a port dues statement as soon as they enter the Rotterdam port area. The commercial shipping category includes cargo vessels, commercial passenger vessels such as river cruise liners, and other inland vessels such as floating cranes, workboats and pontoons.

You are required to submit your statement within 18 calendar days of your first use of the Rotterdam port area via our web portal.

You are not required to submit a statement if you have previously submitted a statement for a specific term (e.g. 7 days) and re-enter and leave the Rotterdam port area within the specified period.

Do I need to submit two statements when calling on both the port of Rotterdam and Dordrecht (or one of the other aforementioned municipalities) within one and the same stay period?

No, a port dues statement is valid for all municipalities within the boundaries of the Rotterdam port area within the specified period

How do I submit a port dues statement?

You can submit your statement for inland port dues in digital form via our web portal. If you have not yet registered an account for our web portal, simply click on Apply for log-in name. Once you have entered and submitted your details, we will process your application. We will subsequently send you an email that includes a link that you can use to set up your password. After this you are free to submit statements via your account.

Select your vessel via the vessel’s name or ENI number and check the vessel details. Proceed to select the appropriate stay term/subscription option (7 days, 14 days, month, quarter or yearly subscription) and enter the start date. You can cover multiple vessels with one and the same statement. After entering your vessel and subscription details, you are asked to select your preferred method of payment. If you select direct debit as your payment option, we will give you a 2% discount for administrative fees on your invoice total. You can finalise and submit your statement after agreeing with our general terms and conditions.

Our staff will be happy to help should you encounter any problems submitting your statement. Please email your question to havengelden@portofrotterdam.com or call our team on +31 10 252 15 23.

When do I get a 2% administration discount on my inland port dues invoice?

You will receive an administration discount of 2% on your Inland Port Dues invoice if you select one-off direct debit or – in the case of an annual subscription – direct debit in six instalments in the Inland Port Dues web portal.

If you cannot select this option in the web portal, please download the SEPA form here and send it completed and signed to binnenhavengeld@portofrotterdam.com.

Am I allowed to submit statements as an intermediary on behalf of multiple clients/companies/vessels?

Yes, you can submit statements for more than one client, company and/or vessel via a single account.

Do you still need to set up an account for yourself? To register, go to the web portal and click on Apply for log-in name. Please specify for which third parties you would like to submit statements on the form.

If you have already set up an account for submitting your own statements (i.e. not on the behalf of third parties), please send an email to havengelden@portofrotterdam.com stating for which third party or parties you would like to submit statements via the web portal. Please include all relevant company information as well as specify to which party the associated invoices need to be addressed.

What if I have forgotten my password for the web portal or it no longer works?

Your password may be older than 140 days, which means that it has expired. In that case, click on ‘I forgot my password’ (without entering your log-in name). You will subsequently be asked to enter and submit your log-in name (the email address you used to register your account). We will send an email to your email address that contains a link that allows you to set a new password. This password needs to be different to the passwords you used on the previous five occasions.

Which stay terms can I choose from?

You can choose between:

* 7 days
* 14 days
* 1 month (vessels that belong to the Other Vessels category, e.g. pontoons, floating equipment, etc)
* 1 quarter
* 1 year

Which benefits are there to a yearly subscription?

If your vessel regularly makes port calls in The Rotterdam port area, it may be more economical to take a yearly subscription. A yearly subscription offers 17 weeks of savings over port calls at the 7-day rate.

In addition, the yearly subscription is the only option that gives you the choice of paying your invoice amount in six instalments. Naturally, you are also free to settle your entire invoice in a single payment via direct debit. In both cases, we will give you a 2% discount for administrative fees on your invoice total.

Can I choose a different start date for my yearly subscription than 1 January?

No, the term of a yearly subscription is always a full calendar year: from 1 January to 31 December.

I have selected a 14-day stay term. I enter the port area on 25/04/2021 at 9:01 p.m. – what time does my stay term expire?

Your stay term for port dues is not based on your exact time of arrival. Rather, it starts at midnight, and the first day of your stay is always recorded as a full day. In the above example, your 14-day stay term runs from 25-04-2021, midnight (0:00) to 9-5-2021, noon (12:00). If you are still using our port area after 12 noon, you will be required to submit a new statement effective as of 9-5-2021.

Can I convert a 7-day stay term into a 14-day stay term?

You have until 18 calendar days after starting to use our port area to submit your statement. You will only be able to convert your 7-day term to a 14-day term if you have not yet been invoiced for the original 7-day term.

What should I do if I cannot select a date in the past when entering details in the web portal?

Please notify us as soon as possible by means of an email to havengelden@portofrotterdam.com. In your email, specify the name and ENI number of the vessel for which you wish to submit a statement, as well as the invoice name. This will allow us to process your statement in our system.

What should I do when I’ve sold my vessel?

Please send an email with all relevant documentation to havengelden@portofrotterdam.com. Our staff will work to process the transaction in the vessel registry as soon as possible.

What should I do when I’ve bought a new vessel?

Please forward your vessel’s GT statement to havengelden@portofrotterdam.com and inform our team which company name you would like to link to the vessel. Our staff will work to link the vessel to your account as soon as possible and will send you an email confirmation afterwards.

What if my ship does not appear in the web portal, or my ship's details are incorrect?

If your ship is not listed in the web portal or the details are incorrect, click on the Support logo in the portal. Provide all the relevant ship information and attach supporting documents, such as the measurement certificate or other relevant documentation.  Once your ship has been added or the corrections have been made, you will receive a confirmation.

Do I need to submit an inland port dues statement for my vessel when I will only be entering on the port area for repairs?

No, you will not be required to submit an inland port fees statement – provided the repairs take place at an authorised repair yard. Don't forget to report the repair work within 24 hours after arrival at the ship repair facility using the Application for Exemption Inner Port Dues Part I form and to have the Repair Declaration Inner Port Dues Part II form filled in by the ship repair facility and sent with a company stamp. Only when both forms have been sent will the exemption be processed!

Does the three-hour provisioning exemption apply throughout the port area?

No, the only ports that work with a 3-hour provisioning exemption is Dordrecht, at the locations Hooikade and Papendrechtsestraat and Zwijndrecht, at the Zomerlustkade.

When will I receive my invoice?

Every Monday morning, we draw up and send out invoices for all statements that came in during the previous week.

What should I do if I don’t agree with an invoice or surcharge?

Please submit your objection in writing to the Port of Rotterdam Authority within three months of the invoice date. You can do so by sending an email to havengelden@portofrotterdam.com. Please include all the relevant documents that prove that the invoice or surcharge in question is unfounded. Should the Port of Rotterdam Authority establish that you have indeed paid too much or too little or have received an unwarranted invoice or surcharge, the amount will be settled via a new invoice or credit note.

In which cases am I eligible for a refund on previously-paid inland port dues?

If you have taken out a yearly subscription and sell your vessel at some point in the year, you can apply for a refund for the unused term by sending an email to havengelden@portofrotterdam.com. Please include all documents confirming the sale of your vessel with your refund request. Your refund will be calculated based on the remaining full months of your subscription.

What if I have received a payment reminder but cannot find the related invoice in my records?

Please ask for a copy of the invoice via havengelden@portofrotterdam.com. We will forward this copy to you as soon as possible via email.

Will I receive a reminder letter if I forget to submit my declaration?

A reminder letter is issued only once per year. If you fail to submit a declaration for your vessel again later in the same year, you will receive a signal invoice with a 100% surcharge.

Why is a Sustainability Contribution charged on my invoice?

The entire inland shipping sector contributes to sustainability through a sustainability contribution of 5%. The proceeds from this contribution are reserved and allocated to initiatives aimed at enhancing sustainability within the sector.

When am I eligible for an Emissions Data Discount for my vessel?

You are eligible for a 5% Emissions Data Discount for your vessel if you hold a Green Award Certificate and share your emissions data with the Port of Rotterdam Authority via the Green Award system. This data is used to develop policies that support the sustainability of inland shipping.

When am I eligible for the transparency discount for my push barge?

Push barges that are propelled by a push boat and share their location data with the Port of Rotterdam Authority via a tracker receive a 5% discount on inland port dues. Sharing this data enhances safety within the port and provides insights into the utilisation of push-barge berths.

What is a detection invoice?

We will send you a detection invoice when we have not received a port dues statement for your vessel despite the fact that it has been encountered in the Rotterdam port area.

Why does my invoice include a 100% surcharge?

Every day, we check which vessels have called on our port area. If your vessel has been encountered in the port area, but we have not received the relevant statement for port dues, we will add a 100% surcharge (of a minimum amount of € 25) to your invoice.

What happens when I don’t submit a statement or submit an incorrect statement?

If you decline to submit a statement, or submit an incorrect statement, the Port of Rotterdam Authority will add a 25% surcharge (of a minimum amount of € 25) to the invoice for relevant port dues.

In cases where you have submitted an incorrect statement but have not yet received an invoice, please contact the Port Dues team as soon as possible via havengelden@portofrotterdam.com, specifying which details need to be changed.

Where can I find the current rates?

You can review the current rates in the port area here.

Where can I find the current general terms and conditions?

You can review the current general terms and conditions in the port area here.

When is my vessel eligible for a Green Award discount?

Vessels with a Green Award certificate (issued to ships that are extra clean and safe) enjoy a discount on inland port dues in the Rotterdam port area. The exact discount percentage depends on the type of certificate awarded to the vessel. This discount applies to every term of stay in the port area. For further information on how you can apply for a certificate for your vessel, please contact the Green Award foundation or visit their website: www.greenaward.org.

What should I do if my vessel has been issued a Green Award certificate?

You don’t have to notify us: every week, the Green Award foundation sends us an overview of all Green Award certified vessels. We subsequently assign these vessels to the relevant environmental categories.

Do I need to pay for drinking water in the Rotterdam port area?

With the exception of sea-going vessels, vessels intended for passenger transport, tugboats, pontoons, floating work boats, other vessels and leisure vessels (surface vessels excluding pusher tugs), you can take on 6 m3 free of charge per 24 hours. If you take on more drinking water, Evides will invoice you separately for this. An exception is made for Dordrecht, Papendrecht and Zwijndrecht. If you take on drinking water here, a free total of up to 6 m3 does not apply.

What if I can’t find an answer to my question? Whom should I get in touch with?

Feel free to contact us on tel. +31 (10) 252 15 23 or send an email to havengelden@portofrotterdam.com. Our team members will be happy to help you.