Going home safe and sound
Our Safety Policy describes the importance of incorporating safety aspects in all our activities. We believe that everyone should be able to go home safe and sound after a working day at the Port of Rotterdam. In our Policy we promise what we do and what everyone may expect from us. But above all, we strongly support personnel to stop work that is unsafe. We all share a responsibility towards ourselves, our colleagues and our families to work safe!

Safety Culture
We aim for a working environment where people care for each other. We proactively identify risks, communicate them and take the measures to control them. We intervene when we observe unsafe behaviours and we give recognition to safe behaviours.
As part of our safety culture program “Take time for Safety”, we train our leaders to actively participate in a pro-active safety culture and how their behaviour influences others. Allowing the time to properly prepare the work is an important aspect to obtain that safe outcome.
Life Saving Rules

Safety in projects
A safe port starts with safe infrastructure and safe infrastructure starts with a safe design, regardless if it concerns a quay, a pipe corridor or lifetime extension maintenance.
In our projects, Port Development supports safety in the entire life cycle of a (new) asset by incorporating safety aspects in the design and by looking after safe construction conditions together with our contractors. Asset Management is thereafter responsible to operate and maintain the asset to our high safety standards.
Port of Rotterdam works together with multiple contractors in design, construction and maintenance of our assets. Safety is an integrated part of all these phases and a robust system of communication, inspection and safety walks contributes to our overall view that everyone should be able to go home safe and sound.
At worksites managed by Port of Rotterdam, suppliers and contractors shall comply with the general site rules.