Search results (204)
Stadshaven Brouwerij Rotterdam opens autumn 2020 in M4H
Stadshaven Brouwerij Rotterdam to open in the former port warehouse on Merwehaven at the end of this year. The Brouwerij will also accommoda
Port Authority, Van Gelder and Wavin make port of Rotterdam smarter
When it comes to smart infrastructure, innovations for the sewer system are not generally the first thing to spring to mind, but heavy rainf
energy transition
Geothermal energy research in Port of Rotterdam enters next phase
Shell Geothermal BV and the Port of Rotterdam Authority are together investigating the possibilities for geothermal energy in the Port of Ro
Nautical annual figures 2019
2019 was a relatively safe year for shipping in the port of Rotterdam. Over the past year, the number of sea-going vessels arriving was abou
Rotterdam-Singapore Green and Digital Shipping Corridor (GDSC) conducts end-to-end sustainability certification pilot for liquefied bio-methane bunkering
The Rotterdam-Singapore Green and Digital Shipping Corridor (GDSC) partners have conducted a successful pilot for the bunkering of mass-bala
Shore power user instructions
To ensure shore power is used safely, we recommend some guidelines. Inland vessels that meet these guidelines should be able to connect to s
‘I want to be at the forefront of the energy transition and give something back to society’
During his career, he has lived in England, India and China and therefore knows that developments sometimes move slowly, however they can al
an accessible port
VolkerRail to start construction on Theemswegtracé track
In January, VolkerRail will start laying track along the new 4-km viaduct for the Theemswegtracé railway line. At that point, the SaVe const
an accessible port
Brexit: what to expect in the port of Rotterdam?
Midnight on 31 December will mark the end of the Brexit transition period in which no customs formalities are required for freight transport
Global book & claim platform ‘Katalist’ supports cargo owners and forwarders with verified emission reduction of shipping
Until recently, as cargo owner or forwarder, you had hardly any direct influence on the carbon footprint of your ocean transport services. H