VolkerRail to start construction on Theemswegtracé track
In January, VolkerRail will start laying track along the new 4-km viaduct for the Theemswegtracé railway line. At that point, the SaVe construction team will transfer the concrete overpass to VolkerRail.

Accessibility and good hinterland connections – be it by road, rail or water – are of crucial importance to the port of Rotterdam. That is why the Port of Rotterdam Authority, together with the Dutch government and the European Union, is investing in the Theemswegtracé rail connection. The rerouting of this port railway line involves a close partnership between the Port Authority and government agency ProRail.
Consultation with ‘the neighbours’
By now, the railway line near Theemsweg has become a prominent new landmark in the area. Its construction is the result of close collaboration and coordination with nearby businesses. During the project, these companies were faced with the necessary detours and road closures, and there has been extensive consultation with ‘the neighbours’ regarding the details of execution. In the months ahead, the SaVe construction team will be putting the final touches to the substructure. Among other things, the building consortium will need to round off a few final steps in consultation with the companies involved.
Building logistics for track construction
VolkerRail has since started on preparations for the structure’s realisation.
The required materials, machinery and equipment will be moved onto the project site via the N15Y motorway and a temporary access ramp, and leave via an exit near Merseyweg (south). These logistics arrangements will keep pressure on Theemsweg and Neckarweg to a bare minimum. They also mean that until the end of the project, the N15Y (through traffic crossing Calandbrug in the direction of Maasvlakte) and Merseyweg will be closed for regular road users – as is currently also the case.
Detour remains in effect for through traffic crossing Calandbrug towards Maasvlakte
Traffic crossing Calandbrug in the direction of Maasvlakte will continue to be rerouted until the end of 2021. This detour takes drivers to Moezelweg via the Saarweg roundabout, after which they can once again turn onto the A15 motorway at the Merwedeweg slip road.
Merseyweg closure extended until spring 2022
Merseyweg (south) will remain closed until spring 2022. Traffic will be routed via Botlekweg and Clydeweg. The bike lane will remain open throughout.
Compilation video
Since the start of this project, work on the Theemswegtracé has yielded some impressive imagery. Watch the video for an overview of the various highlights since 2017.