Safe, liveable port and surroundings
The port and port activities have an impact on the surroundings. We continuously work on improving the quality of the living environment.
Every day, we work on developing the port of Rotterdam. Our aim is to ensure that the port remains as appealing as possible for local residents, port employees, companies and recreational visitors. This can only be achieved if we take responsibility for our impact on society. Which is why we are working on a safe, liveable and appealing port and surrounding areas. Surroundings in which companies invest, people enjoy living and leisure time, and where flora and fauna feel at home.

Reduce emissions
We are working on reducing local emissions. That is good for the environment, nature and the climate. In Rotterdam, we are continuously searching for answers to make the port smarter, more efficient, better and more sustainable. As well as industry, the transport of freight to, in and from the port area also needs to become more climate friendly. Together with partners, the Port of Rotterdam Authority is developing activities to help the logistics sector reduce CO2 emissions.
Prevent odour and noise nuisance
The Port Authority wants to prevent odour and noise nuisance. We actively measure and monitor the air with a network of e-noses. And we stimulate and invest in shore power plants so that ship generators and auxiliary engines can be turned off when vessels are at the quay. Together with the municipality of Rotterdam, we are working to limit noise pollution in the living environment. This is based on a balance in the space available for port development, housing and living. In addition, we are rewarding ships that record their own noise production by giving them a contribution.
In addition to the e-nose network, the air monitoring network is also available online where everyone can see the current air quality in the region. This involves absolute measurements of a number of substances at 10 locations in the region. The e-noses measure changes in air composition at a large number of locations. Both networks are monitored by the DCMR.

Within the port of Rotterdam area, we have a dual aim: to develop the port of Rotterdam whilst improving the living climate. We do this with sponsoring. Municipalities from the Rotterdam region can submit projects to the fund which contribute to the environmental or spatial quality.
There is also the DeltaPORT community fund, the port of Rotterdam and industry community fund that provides monetary contributions to non-profit institutions active in the fields of well-being, culture, sports and recreation in the immediate vicinity of the Rotterdam port and industrial area.
Accessibility of the port
Good accessibility is very important for the port of Rotterdam. The Port Authority and its partners work together to ensure the port remains accessible. We do this by improving the infrastructure under the Port Authority's management, we offer facilities like truck parking. And we strive to optimise and make freight transport smarter. We also work closely with parties in the region on improving commuter traffic.
Environmental management programme PERS (Port Environmental Review System)
The Port of Rotterdam Authority is committed to sustainability and a safe and liveable environment. The actions taken by the Port Authority on environmental management, following the ESPO Environmental Code of Practice (2004), are found in the PERS report. PERS is based on an internationally recognised port-specific system developed by ports, for ports.