Transferium Maasvlakte
This public transfer hub that merges various transport streams is enabling the Maasvlakte to become increasingly accessible and is reducing congestion on the A15. The Transferium fits within the Port Authority’s accessibility and sustainability ambitions.

Approximately 7,000 people work at some 50 companies in the western section of the port. Over the coming three years, at least 1,500 new employees will be added to this, as a consequence of the construction of a new distribution centre and the expansion of existing industrial activity.
The Transferium has stops and facilities for both company and (future) public bus transport. It is an interchange location for collective company transport that forms part of the regional public transport system the Hoekse Lijn. Vipre's Maasvlakte Office Shuttle will bring employees to the Transferium from various locations in the wider area.
The Transferium Maasvlakte was realised in cooperation between the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Rotterdam-The Hague Metropolis Region, the Port of Rotterdam Authority and the Traffic Management Company.
From and to the Transferium
EBS busvervoer Voorne-Putten Rozenburg
Dienstregeling Fast Ferry. (Fast Ferry has been withdrawn from service as of 31 December 2021)
Vipre ve