Smart link in your supply chain
In the optimal supply chain, each link seamlessly connects to the next. The port of Rotterdam is the ultimate link in your supply chain. Here you will find the best of the best in terms of services, infrastructure and connections. In the port of Rotterdam you will also find the tools to organise your supply chain optimally.
State-of-the-art terminals
The port of Rotterdam offers multiple, independent, state-of-the-art terminals for any goods flow; from containers and break bulk to liquid and dry bulk. Moreover, nowhere in the world will you find so many reefer connections as in Rotterdam. With a maximum depth of 20 metres at the quay, the terminals are accessible 24/7, even to the largest vessels. They are fitted out with the latest equipment and are directly connected to rail, road, inland waterways, pipelines and/or short sea, resulting in a high handling capacity. With a wide selection of terminals and excellent services, Rotterdam guarantees a reliable, fast and secure handling of all types of goods.
Excellent intermodal connections
An extensive intermodal network of rail, inland shipping, road, short sea and pipelines ensures that your cargo will find its way from and to the rest of Europe. From Rotterdam, the main industrial and economic centres of West Europe can be reached within 24 hours. Short transit times ensure that goods arriving in Rotterdam quickly reach their final destination. Based on volume, desired speed, price and sustainability objective, you can choose the ultimate connection or an optimal combination of transport modes. There is a suitable, reliable solution for every type of cargo.

A comprehensive maritime cluster is equipped for all conceivable work on vessels and offshore units. Regardless of the size of the job, in Rotterdam it can be done.
Major bunkering port
Not only is Rotterdam one of the largest fuel hubs, the port of Rotterdam also ranks in the top three of the world's main bunkering ports with 2,000 bunker deliveries each month. Every conceivable fuel is widely available here: from fuel oil to biofuels. Furthermore, Rotterdam is the first port in Europe where liquefied natural gas (LNG) can be bunkered. The wide choice of suppliers guarantees fast, reliable and safe bunkering at the best price.
Most efficient customs
The Dutch customs is known as one of the most efficient customs services in the world. Customs carries out statutory inspections with minimal impact on the logistics process. Submission of the required documents takes place in electronic form. Based on risk analyses, customs determines whether inspections are required. Customs operates 24/7 and primarily performs the required inspections with scanners. In recent years, large investments have been made in high-tech scanning equipment at the terminals. On top of this, Rotterdam has the fastest train scanner in the world. Scanning the containers ensures optimal safety of the cargo and minimal delays, while the shipper is not faced with unnecessary costs.
Tax benefits
When importing goods to Europe, these goods are taxed. Unlike other European countries, payment of VAT in the Netherlands may be deferred to a periodic VAT return thanks to the Article 23 permit. Under this system, the VAT at import should be declared but the amount can be deducted on the same return. The scheme provides importers in the Netherlands with a liquidity advantage. If your company is not located in the Netherlands, a tax representative can handle your VAT affairs, so you can take full advantage of Dutch benefits.
Supply chain optimisation
To further optimise the handling of containers in the port of Rotterdam and their transport to destinations in Europe, various projects have been set up in cooperation with market participants, stakeholders and the Port of Rotterdam Authority. Via the port-transcending Port Community System of Portbase, companies benefit from intelligent services for efficient and simple information exchange, both among themselves and with authorities. It allows users to improve their logistics processes and also strengthens the competitive position of the port.
Routescanner ‘Direct Connections’ shows the direct sea, railway and inland shipping connections from and to Rotterdam. Via this application, you can also view and compare the various routes for container transport from door to door. Nextlogic is aimed at optimally organising the container transport chain through better exchange of information between stakeholders, efficient and neutral planning, and optimising calls at the terminals.
Container Logistics Maasvlakte (CLM) examines how container flows to and from Maasvlakte 1 & 2 can be bundled and exchanged. This increases efficiency and minimises the calls for vessels and trains. Optimising the logistics chains enables the port to continue to grow.