Search results for 'news' (79)
an accessible port
Deepening of Nieuwe Waterweg and Botlek complete
The Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat) and the Port of Rotterdam Authority celebrated the completio
an accessible port
Port of Rotterdam Authority to deepen Amazonehaven basin
The ECT Delta Terminal receives some of the largest container ships in the world. To ensure that in terms of nautical accessibility, it cont
an accessible port
Extension quay wall Sif
Van Hattum en Blankevoort has started work on extending the deep-sea quay wall of Sif, commissioned by the Port of Rotterdam Authority. This
an accessible port
Rotterdam transhipment volume passes 15 million TEU containers for the first time
Today - Wednesday, 22 December - the 15 millionth TEU container of the year will arrive in the Port of Rotterdam. It is the first time that
an accessible port
Joint flyer campaign during national Brexit Action Day
Tuesday, 1 December is Brexit Action Day. On this day in Dutch ports, flyers will be handed out to HGV drivers carrying cargo to and from Br
an accessible port
Strong German interest in Rotterdam Experience Tour
The Rotterdam Experience Tour will be taking place on Thursday 27 September and Friday 28 September 2018. The Port of Rotterdam Authority or
an accessible port
First Brazilian melons of the season arrived in the port of Rotterdam
On Friday 16 September, the first conventional reefer ship carrying melons from Brazil arrived at the fruit terminal of Rotterdam Fruit Whar
an accessible port
Possible to follow placement of Theemsweg rail bridge online
The port of Rotterdam is on the eve of one of its most spectacular infrastructural highlights. The new rail bridge will be placed across the
an accessible port
Opening ceremony of Locomotive Workshop Rotterdam
Today saw the opening ceremony of the Locomotive Workshop Rotterdam (LWR) on the Maasvlakte. This means the Port of Rotterdam now has a bran
an accessible port
Quiet first day in the port of Rotterdam after the Brexit deal
At the ports of Rotterdam and IJmuiden, the first day on which customs formalities again applied to freight transport between the United Kin