Search results (6)
safe port
Port Authority to replace slopes
Clean-up of oil pollution | The Port of Rotterdam Authority is to replace a section of the slopes stretching over more than 9 kilometres tha
safe port
Safe berths for barges
The Port of Rotterdam Authority is developing five permanent berths for barges on the Maas side of the Eiland van Brienenoord.
energy transition
Start of European research project for converting coal fired power plant to biomass
This November the European ARBAHEAT consortium will start a research project to investigate the conversion of the ENGIE Ultra-SuperCritical
safe port
Port Authority and RWS coordinate approach following oil pollution incident
A serious water pollution incident occurred on Saturday 23 June 2018 in the Derde Petroleumhaven in the Botlek area of the Port of Rotterdam
energy transition
Residual heat from Shell keeps 16,000 households warm
Today saw the official launch of the Pernis Restwarmte Initiatief (Pernis Residual Heat Initiative) in the Rotterdam neighbourhood of Katend
energy transition
Leading port authorities combine forces in Climate Action Program
The Port of Rotterdam Authority is pleased to announce the launch of the World Ports Climate Action Program. In this new international initi