Eric Vloeimans composes music Wild Port of Europe
Well-known trumpet player Eric Vloeimans – winner of this year’s Edison oeuvre prize – has committed himself as a composer and musician to Wild Port of Europe – The New Wilderness 2.0. This nature film about the ports of Rotterdam and Moerdijk will premiere in the autumn of 2021. It is the sequence to The New Wilderness, the most successful Dutch nature film ever.

In close collaboration with the directors of the film, Willem Berents and Mark Verkerk, Eric Vloeimans has been exchanging musical themes with (roughly edited) scenes for some time. With a basic line-up of trumpet, cello and drums, the music in the film should result in a unique sound score never used in a nature film before.
The stage for the film, the port and industrial areas of Rotterdam and Moerdijk, is a challenge for Vloeimans, who grew up in Den Bosch and later lived in Rotterdam for a long time. The music he composes will be intertwined with the sounds recorded in the area. Music, sound and image have to enhance each other and offer cinemagoers a unique experience.
The music will be recorded in May 2021, with the musicians playing the composition live to the film as much as possible.
Wild Port of Europe
The Wild Port of Europe project is an initiative of VELDKIJKER and EMS FILMS. They work together on realising the film Wild Port of Europe – The New Wilderness 2.0.
After the three successful films previously released – The New Wilderness (Golden Calf 2013), Holland, Nature in the Delta (Golden Film 2015), and The Wild City (Golden Film 2018) – with more than a million cinemagoers, Wild Port of Europe is a great new challenge and a surprising addition to the series.