10,000 trains on the Theemswegtracé
The Theemswegtracé – the four-kilometre-long stretch of Rotterdam harbour railway line that opened three months ago – is a success. Each day, around a hundred trains travel along what is now the first section of the Betuwe Route. Some 10,000 trains have already travelled along the section without any disruptions or delays.

The Port of Rotterdam Authority’s Chief Operations Officer, Boudewijn Siemons, is pleased. ‘We are committed to the European sustainability goal of transporting 50% more freight over the Dutch railway system within 10 years. An increase from 40 to 61 million tonnes. This goal can only be achieved with a well-functioning rail link.’
The route ensures the safe, reliable and sustainable transport of freight by rail from the port to the European hinterland.
Start of Maasvlakte Marshalling Yard
The Port of Rotterdam Authority has already launched a new project that is set to improve the rail product: the development of the Maasvlakte South Marshalling Yard (Emplacement-Maasvlakte Zuid). Four bundles of six tracks and two through tracks will be built in phases. The first bundle will enter operation in 2027.
The new marshalling yard on the Maasvlakte is an important project that arose from the logistics vision that the Port Authority and ProRail have jointly drawn up for the port of Rotterdam. This vision states what is needed to accommodate the growth in rail freight transport.
Several infrastructure projects that will extend the accessibility of the port area are planned for between 2020 and 2030. These include the laying of various rail bundles, electrification of the lines and the construction of connections to existing track. The logistics vision also includes measures aimed at improving the use of the existing railway infrastructure.