Pipeline network
The port of Rotterdam has an extensive network of over 1,500 kilometres of pipelines to transport liquid bulk including crude oil, oil products, chemicals and industrial gases. The pipelines run between companies in the port. There is also a network of pipelines to destinations in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
The pipeline network offers a safe, efficient and environmentally-friendly transport solution.
- Permanent availability and space in the corridor for the construction of new pipelines
- Leasing via MultiCore pipeline bundle
- ARG common carrier ethylene network connects the Rotterdam industrial cluster with the Port of Antwerp and the German Ruhr region

Companies can connect their location per pipeline with other locations in Rotterdam. The pipelines are (largely) owned by chemical companies and refineries. Many pipelines are ‘dedicated’ connections that transport one product along a fixed route between 2 locations. There are also common carrier pipelines that are used by multiple companies for one product. Users purchase transport capacity from the pipeline owners.
Construction of new pipelines
The Port of Rotterdam offers companies the opportunity and space to construct new pipelines in the available pipeline corridors. These corridors are fully-equipped for the construction of new pipelines. The Port of Rotterdam Authority always has space available for interested companies.
Leasing pipelines via MulitCore
The MultiCore pipeline bundle comprises 4 pipelines and runs along the most important chemical and petrochemical industrial areas in the Port of Rotterdam. MultiCore offers leasing options, making it possible to transport via pipelines without needing to own the pipelines. MultiCore is a joint venture between Vopak and the Port of Rotterdam Authority.
ARG/RC2 pipelines for ethylene
RC2 is a joint venture between ARG and the Port of Rotterdam Authority and comprises a common carrier pipeline system for ethylene. This network connects the Rotterdam industrial cluster with the Port of Antwerp in Belgium and the German Ruhr region. The Port of Rotterdam Authority and ARG have together invested in RC2. RC2 is owner of the pipelines and ARG operates the system.
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