KNMI data shows that the average wind strength at 10 metres altitude has slightly decreased almost everywhere in the Netherlands over the past 30 years. The only increase reported is above the North Sea during the winter months.

Wind conditions are not expected to change substantially, but we do take into account an increase in the number of storms in the Rotterdam port area. Extreme wind conditions could affect shipping, for example, by endangering safe mooring. The increasingly larger container ships, in particular, are sensitive to wind, with the risk of breaking away from the berth.
Knowledge institutes are investigating how to better predict wind conditions. With regards to mooring, the focus is aimed at new innovations such as smart bollards, quick release hooks and shore-tension systems. Research is also being done into whether decision-making software might be developed that can predict which vessels could potentially be at risk from the predicted winds. All these developments help the port to safely guide shipping traffic through the port and moor at the berths.